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[Water_news] 2. DWR'S CALIFORNIA WATER NEWS: SUPPLY - 6/8/07

Department of Water Resources

California Water News

A daily compilation of significant news articles and comment 


June 8, 2007


2. Supply


Water-wise gardens are smart start; Lush plants possible for conservationists

Contra Costa Times – 6/8/07

By Joan Morris, staff writer


ENJOY THAT LUSH green lawn. Glory in your rhododendrons and azaleas. Because unless we start planning now, our gardens may just be dry, brittle memories by summertime next year.


No one is debating whether or not California is entering a dry phase. The only question is how bad it will be. Already, water managers are talking about voluntary rationing. The less optimistic are discussing mandatory restrictions, especially if the coming winter proves to be another dry one.


East Bay Municipal Utility District, which serves more than 1.2 million customers in the eastern portion of the San Francisco Bay Area, anticipates a water supply shortfall of 15,000 acre-feet by Oct. 1, the start of the rainy season. It has asked its residential customers to restrict lawn watering to three non-consecutive days a week; large irrigators are being asked to cut back by 25 percent.


Like it or not, it's time to think about conservation.


But before we start ripping out our lawns, spreading the white gravel and planting cactus, take heart. There are plenty of things we can do now through fall to ensure a lush and green garden, California-style -- lots of interesting plants, blossoms and colors that will continue all year with little fuss and little water.


Here are tips and suggestions from the experts.


Plan now, plant later


Although we're in prime spring planting, it's not a good idea to plant drought or water-wise gardens now, says Bethallyn Black, urban horticulturist for the University of California's Cooperative Extension in Contra Costa County, and coordinator of the Master Gardener program.


"Spend this summer planning and prepping," Black says, "and plant in October, when the winter rains will keep them happy."


Anthony Garza, supervisor of horticulture and grounds at UC Berkeley's Botanical Garden, also encourages planting in the fall.


It's important, Black and Garza say, to get plants established before next summer's expected water restrictions are put in place.


Although low-water plants don't require much water once they are rooted in place, newly set plants do.


Most low-water plants are in the category of "summer-dry, winter-wet," so it can be difficult to get the right water formula.


Plant in the fall, let the winter rains settle them in, and by next summer, they should be well-established and able to survive on sparse water.


Mulch, mulch, mulch


While we're waiting for the winter rains, Black and Garza say, we should start preparing our soil to get it as healthy as possible. Composting and mulching will do the trick.


Mulch comes in several forms, but basically all serve the same purpose -- improve the soil, retain water and reduce the amount of weeds.


Patrice Hanlon, garden manager at the Gardens at Heather Farm in Walnut Creek, says they use no chemical fertilizer in their gardens, instead relying on composting and mulching.


Mulching using leaves, wood chips and what is sometimes called chipper trash creates fantastic soil as the wood material decomposes, releasing nitrogen and nutrients.


The mulch -- which should be at least 3 inches thick -- slows natural evaporation from the soil, meaning you don't need to water as often. And it is an effective barrier against weeds.


Hanlon is an advocate of sheet mulching, which utilizes cardboard and newspapers combined with manure, soil and other organic items. (For an article on how to sheet mulch, go to


Hanlon also allows leaves from the gardens' groves to cover open spaces. As the leaves break down, they release important nutrients into the soil.


There are several types of mulch. Wood chips are a common organic mulch, but gravel and pebbles work better with some types of plants and with landscape designs.


Check irrigation


Even if we don't convert our gardens to water-wise landscapes, we can conserve water by making sure our irrigation systems are operating effectively. Drip irrigation was hailed in the past as the water-conserving garden's friend, but lately, it has found its detractors.


The system can be finicky, experts say. The nozzles can clog from sediments in the water, and because the lines are buried, it can take longer to spot trouble. Still, the drip system serves a purpose by putting water exactly where it is needed.


Newer on the market are micro-irrigation emitters -- low-pressure irrigation systems that, like drip systems, use flexible tubing and tiny sprinkler heads, but are less troublesome. They deliver water onto the soil surface near or at the plant root zone.


Also popular are soaker hoses and computerized systems that access area weather stations and, based on types of plants, soil and terrain that the gardener programs in, water as the weather dictates.


Experts say that no matter what type of system we have, we should make sure it's working properly -- no leaks; and that sprinklers are putting water where it's needed, not on sidewalks and the streets -- and then maintain it.


Irrigation schedules also should be frequently checked and revamped as the weather warms and cools. Too often, we set our sprinklers and leave them programmed the same way throughout the year, sun or rain.


Rethink hardscape


Concrete walkways and driveways direct water into storm drains instead of onto our gardens. Consider replacing them with pervious concrete, crushed rocks or gravel. Reducing the amount of concrete around our homes can also reduce energy bills by creating a cooler microclimate around our houses.


Black says people should check into digging a well on their property. In some areas, wells are permissible, and using untreated ground water to water plants and lawns, Black says, is more economical and ecologically sound than using treated water.

Barrels and cisterns to collect winter rain water should also be considered, she says.


Prune, fertilize lightly


Pruning and fertilizing encourages growth, which means the plants will need more water. Let your plants get a little bushier this year than you might otherwise, Black says. And lay off the fertilizer. If you compost and mulch, you shouldn't need to add more fertilizer in most cases.


Take a look


If you're looking for inspiration and instruction in creating a water-wise garden, there are plenty of places to find it.

- The Gardens at Heather Farm, 1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek: This city gem features more than 20 demonstration gardens and learning sites, including a water-wise garden installed with a grant from EBMUD. The gardens make use of native Californian and Mediterranean plants, providing dramatic proof that low-water and drought-resistant can still be lush.

The gardens also serve as an example of organic gardening -- no chemicals are used to control insects or weeds.

The gardens may be best-known for the rose garden, which is being converted to a more water-conserving irrigation system. For more information, visit

- Ruth Bancroft Garden, 1552 Bancroft Road, Walnut Creek: This unique low-water garden has an international reputation for excellence. Created by Ruth Bancroft, who still lives on the property, the garden is a tribute to water-wise gardening, featuring a large variety of succulents and California natives. The garden is open for self-guided and private tours. Go to or call 925-210-9663 for more information.

- UC Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Drive, Berkeley: If you're looking for variety, you'll find it in this expansive garden that has almost 13,000 species of plants, the vast majority of which could be classified as low-water.

The garden also offers water-wise tours featuring drought-tolerant and water-wise plants that are suitable for home gardens. And if you fall in love with a specific type of plant, you may be able to find it for sale in the garden plant shop. Go to for details.


Ponder the lawn


Although many of us are in love with our lawns, they are the biggest water-using crop we grow. And while the experts understand our passion for a spot of green, they suggest that we rethink the size of our lawns, the type of grass we grow and where we grow it.


Nathan Smith, coordinator of UC Botanical Garden's volunteer propagation program, is an admitted lawn-hater. "They're evil," he says with a laugh. He doesn't see the sense in growing something that requires weekly maintenance, lots of water, and which takes up valuable space that he could easily fill with some spectacular plants.


Smith and Garza recommend using meadow grasses, and they're also fond of Carex (sedge) -- grasslike plants in the Cyperaceae family. While it's not a substitute for turf, not having the smooth flatness of lawns, it does provide texture and visual interest.


But for those who are emotionally attached to their lawns, Smith and Garza recommend growing a small bit of grass in the backyard. Front lawns are notoriously under-used, there mostly for show. Backyard lawns can be enjoyed by the family and pets.


No matter where your lawn is, experts recommend early morning watering and recycling grass clippings back onto the lawn.


 Never cut off more than a third from the grass blades, and to improve air quality and reduce noise, consider an electric or reel mower, and lose the leaf blower.


Plant selection


Although plants will be the last step in creating a water-wise garden, we can start planning our plant palettes now. If we want the most water-wise garden we can have, experts suggest that we stick with California natives, which are adapted to summer-dry, winter-wet conditions, and plants that grow in Mediterranean climates.


Hanlon says a rule of thumb when looking at a plant is to consider the shape of the leaves. Plants that have wide, spreading and glossy green leaves generally require larger amounts of water, while plants with narrow, gray-green hairy leaves that grow almost vertically on the stem are low-water users.


Smith, who spends his day surrounded by unique and unusual plants, says that finding something special that will thrive in your yard is what makes gardening so enjoyable. Just because garden centers carry hundreds of petunias, begonias and snapdragons doesn't mean we have to limit ourselves to those plants.


Garza calls California a horticulture mecca, blessing us with weather and climate that permit us to grow a variety of things year-round. So expand your horizons and branch out, experts urge. In most cases, Smith says, plants sold at the Botanical Garden are just as easy to grow as the standards sold at Home Depot.


Joan Morris is the Times Home & Garden editor. Reach her at 925-977-8479 or


What to plant


By planning your garden, you can enjoy blooms and color year-round. Here are some plants recommended by the experts for water-wise gardens.




California poppy

Day lilies



Origanum sipyleum

Jerusalem sage

Sun rose


Strawberry tree

Matilija poppy




Both EBMUD and Contra Costa Water District offer information on conserving water and growing water-wise gardens.


CCWD has a CD-ROM called "Water-Wise Gardening in Contra Costa County" that includes a variety of plants. For information, go to or call 925-688-8000.


EBMUD offers a book, "Plants and Landscapes for Summer-Dry Climates of the San Francisco Bay Region" (EBMUD, $34.95). For more information, go to #



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