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[Water_news] 1. DWR'S CALIFORNIA WATER NEWS - Top Item for 5/14/08


Department of Water Resources

California Water News

A daily compilation for DWR personnel of significant news articles and comment


May 14, 2008


1.  Top Item -





East Bay begins water rationing

San Francisco Chronicle- 5/14/08



San Joaquin County board finds another fault in Delta canal plans

Stockton Record – 5/14/08



Supervisors oppose Delta task force recommendations

Lodi News- Sentinel- 5/14/08






East Bay begins water rationing

San Francisco Chronicle- 5/14/08

Kelly Zito, Staff Writer


Water rationing went into effect Tuesday for East Bay residents after water managers unanimously passed a drought management program aimed at preserving the system's deteriorating water supply.

Residents of single-family homes throughout much of Alameda and Contra Costa counties are required to immediately reduce water use by 19 percent; golf courses face 30 percent cuts; refineries and manufacturers must trim 5 percent.

Tuesday's action by the East Bay Municipal Utility District set out reduction goals, prohibited water uses and declared a water-shortage emergency across the district's system, which serves 1.3 million residents between Oakland and Danville and Crockett and Castro Valley.

But questions swirl about the plan's enforcement, how the targets are calculated and how it will affect water rates - both for those who already conserve, and for those who use large amounts of water.

"The problem is there's no incentive for people who have ... made a huge investment to do the right thing," Chris Donton told the board. "Maybe it should be ... if you've made the investment, we're not going to (demand reductions of) 30 percent, but 2 percent."

Donton, a field technician for Aqua Conserve, a Riverside irrigation control company, said his clients have spent from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars on upgraded systems.

Penalties threatened

Under the plan, those who don't comply face citations and the possibility of reduced water flow or disconnected service. In July, the board will vote on special drought pricing.

Until those rates are set, district officials will gear up the effort by hiring "water patrol" staffers, and launching an advertising and education campaign. In addition, they urge customers to begin examining their water bills for usage levels and ways to cut back. For instance, a family that uses 200 gallons per day should try to bring that total to at least 162 gallons.

By midsummer, a plan will be in place that probably will charge much higher rates for those who cross specified thresholds.

Managers argued the measure was critical because two consecutive dry years and the driest spring on record are expected to leave the system's reservoirs with 415,000 acre-feet of water - about two thirds of the normal 600,000 acre-feet. An acre-foot is about 326,000 gallons, or enough to supply a household of four for one year.

About a dozen members of the public spoke before the board voted on the drought proposal. Several were landscaping contractors like Donton who worry the measure will hurt their revenues and cause layoffs.

Focus on discretionary use

The target reduction goals are based on what water managers consider discretionary use. Because homes are among the biggest water users, they have some of the highest targets.

Still, some residents said the targets aren't realistic - particularly for those who aggressively save water now.

Sandra Turnbull of Oakland said she takes fewer showers and has low-flow toilets, water-efficient appliances and climate-friendly plants. Forcing her to lop nearly 20 percent more from her water usage would be very difficult. What's more, she said, those who waste water will be asked to reduce by the same percentage - still leaving them with far more water.

"Rates should be scaled so people who exceed thresholds are charged premium rates and those who have conserved all along are not duly penalized," Turnbull said.

The board is weighing a range of pricing schemes, from a 10 percent increase for all users to a plan that would charge water wasters exorbitant prices, while rewarding water savers with reduced pricing.

During the six-year drought in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the district issued waivers to those who had maxed out their water conservation techniques.

"We may need to look into that again, because we really want to be fair," said district spokesman Charles Hardy.

How other Northern California communities are coping

City of Roseville: Declared Stage 1 drought alert April 30 due to 25 percent reduction in supplies from Folsom Reservoir; customers asked to cut water use by 10 percent.

Sacramento Suburban Water District: Outdoor watering limited to odd/even day schedule.

Regional Water Authority (Sacramento area): Airing radio announcements regarding water conservation.

Santa Clara Valley Water District: Urging customers to cut water use by 10 percent.

Contra Costa Water District: Urging 10 percent reduction in water use.

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Calling for voluntary conservation.

Zone 7 Water Agency (Alameda County): Asking for 10 percent water use reduction.

Sonoma County Water Agency: Asking for voluntary conservation; considering mandatory conservation depending on water levels in Lake Mendocino.

Water-saving tips

In the house:

-- Replace older toilets with high-efficiency toilets (rebates available in many areas).

-- For older toilets, use displacement bags, toilet dams or adjustable flappers.

-- Install water-efficient showerheads that use no more than 2.5 gallons per minute.

-- Low-flow aerators in faucets can reduce water use and splashing (some districts offer for free).

-- High-efficiency washers can use about 30 percent less water and up to 70 percent less energy than traditional machines (some districts offer rebates).

-- Fix "running" or leaky toilets; fix leaky faucets.

-- While waiting for water to get warm or cool, put a jug under the faucet for use in other parts of the house.

-- Turn off the tap when brushing teeth; rinse using a cup.

-- When showering and washing hands, wet body, turn off water, apply soap, then turn on water to rinse.

-- Automatic dishwashers are more efficient than hand washing; wash full loads only.

-- Fill the sink or a bowl with water to wash fruits and vegetables.

-- Keep a container of water in the refrigerator rather than running tap water for a cool drink.

-- Use garbage disposal sparingly; compost food waste when possible.

In the yard:

-- Water less frequently, but more deeply.

-- Adjust irrigation controller according to the season - new controllers can adjust for weather conditions.

-- Check irrigation systems for leaks.

-- Opt for drip irrigation, which applies water more efficiently.

-- Select plants adapted to Mediterranean climates.

-- Group plants according to water needs.

-- Apply mulch to gardens; it helps maintain moisture in the soil.

-- Do not irrigate in the middle of the day; water tends to evaporate.

Source: East Bay Municipal Utility District; Chronicle research#



San Joaquin County board finds another fault in Delta canal plans

Stockton Record – 5/14/08

By Zachary K. Johnson, Staff Writer


STOCKTON - The San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors has drawn another line in the sand to the idea of building a canal that would convey water around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The supervisors added a new resolution Tuesday to the growing list of formal stands they've taken against such a proposal.

But before they approved a comprehensive response to a state panel report on the future of the Delta, the supervisors threw down the gauntlet, challenging cities and other agencies in the San Joaquin County to pass similar resolutions.

"We need to stand up and ask them to take a stand," Supervisor Larry Ruhstaller said. "Get their support, or at least get them on record."

The board took a position against such a canal in late 2007 and has done so in 1998, 1991 and 1982, said Mel Lytle, the county's water manager.

This latest stand was in response to a report released in November by a state blue ribbon task force that is part of the Delta Vision process created by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006 to map out the future of the estuary.

The Delta provides water for more than 25 million Californians for drinking and irrigation.

The report recommends studying the use of a "dual-conveyance" system as one way to revitalize the Delta ecosystem and provide a reliable source of water for the state. Dual conveyance means taking water both around and through the Delta on the way to pumps near Tracy.

The supervisors' resolution declares that a peripheral canal would impair water quality, harm the ecosystem and require loss of agricultural and, possibly, land for future urban development.

Water conveyance was not the only issue covered in the resolution. The four-page document weighs in on other points included in the November report from the task force.

"They're actually gone so far as to rename the Delta," Lytle said. The Delta Vision report calls the estuary the "California Delta."

But the canal drew the most ire from supervisors on Tuesday.

"I don't see any value to San Joaquin County in any peripheral canal," Chairman Ken Vogel said. "Whatever you want to call it."#


Supervisors oppose Delta task force recommendations

Lodi News- Sentinel- 5/14/08

By Ross Farrow, Staff Writer

Issuing a strong statement that San Joaquin County must protect itself against Delta water being exported to the south while acknowledging the water needs in Southern California, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution Tuesday opposing a second attempt of a Peripheral Canal.

"Right now, we're in a huge tug-of-war between north and south," Mel Lytle, the county's water resource coordinator, told the Board of Supervisors.

The proposal was put on the table by the Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force, a group appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to advise on how to deal with California's divergent water interests. It's the second generation of the so-called Peripheral Canal, which was defeated by voters statewide in 1982. The proposal was to divert Delta waters to Southern California.

Lytle said that diverting water to urban areas in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas, along with farms in Kern and other south San Joaquin Valley counties, would be detrimental locally.

A "Peripheral Canal," also known as a "dual conveyance system," could result in loss of water and quality in San Joaquin County, decrease agricultural production and create poorer fisheries and fish habitat, Lytle said. It would also harm the county's business and economy, he said.#






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