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[Water_news] 2. DWR'S CALIFORNIA WATER NEWS: SUPPLY - 10/26/07

Department of Water Resources

California Water News

A daily compilation of significant news articles and comment 


October 26, 2007


2. Supply



River water for Woodland; Davis, UC Davis could join up to use surface water - Woodland Daily Democrat


Water meters on tap - Woodland Daily Democrat



Column: Jon Carroll - San Francisco Chronicle




River water for Woodland; Davis, UC Davis could join up to use surface water

Woodland Daily Democrat – 10/26/07

By Lizeth Cazares, staff writer


With the majority of Woodland's ground water wells past their expected life range, city staff is making sure there will be plenty of water for its residents in the future.


On Tuesday night, during a special City Council session, staff informed the council of the benefits of becoming a part of the Davis-Woodland Water Supply Project.


Through a partnership between Woodland, Davis and UC Davis, the $300 million project would work to move high-quality surface water from the Sacramento River to augment water supply of the cities. By using surface water instead of ground water, city civil engineer Doug Baxter said the cities will have a clean and reliable source of water.


This is much needed, he said, because at least 14 of the city's wells are more than 30 years old and many have elevated nitrate and boron levels in the water. Additionally, the wells' pumping capacity is barely keeping up with the city's growing population.


"Over the past 20 years, the population has grown 44 percent and our pumping capacity has remained the same," said Baxter.


By using surface water, the city can keep water pressure up and lower boron, salinity and nitrate levels.


"We're trying to look at this in long term goals," said Baxter. "What's going to be better and less expensive for the city in the future."


Even if the city chooses not to go ahead with the program, Baxter said the city will end up paying hundreds of thousands for well repair and maintenance in the near future. And if nitrate and boron levels continue to increase, the city will also have to pay penalty fees from the state.


While it is going to be less expensive for the city to work on these water issues now, it won't be cheap.


Woodland is scheduled to pay for 52 percent of the total project and future maintenance, about $199 million by 2020. To pay for the cost, the city will have to raise water costs from $24 to between $40 and $50 per month.


Even with the added fee increase, however, the monthly costs for the city's water will be lower than many cities in the Central Valley and Bay Area.


"Not only do we have the cheapest water, but even with what's being projected, when we hit $48 to $50, we're still lower than the cities in the Bay Area," said Councilman Bill Marble.


The council agreed that there should be steps taken to make sure the city can provide quality water for its residents.


"We've had national publicity about our smell; we don't want national publicity about our water," said Marble, referring to the odor that plagued parts of Woodland in August and September.


But there were concerns expressed by other members.


Councilman Art Pimentel said he was concerned about the Davis City Council's position on the project. Baxter said the Woodland can participate in the surface water program without the support of Davis, but that it would be more expensive.


"This is something we can't put our fingers on in one night," said Mayor Dave Flory. "This will take a period of time to discuss, but it looks like something we seriously would support."


The staff will continue to inform the council on the project in later meetings.


Both Woodland and Davis city councils are expected to certify an Environmental Impact Report for the project by their Nov. 6 meeting. #



Water meters on tap

Woodland Daily Democrat – 10/26/07

By Lizeth Cazares, staff writer


During a special session meeting Tuesday night, city staff informed the Woodland City Council about an upcoming citywide water meter installation.


The meters will be used to gauge the amount of water each house uses throughout the day, so the city can charge homes according to water consumption rather than on a flat rate. Woodland is required by state law to have all homes metered by 2025.


Since the installations will take place simultaneously with the Davis-Woodland Water Supply Project, staff decided to split the task up into two phases so that a fourth of Woodland homes will be metered by 2010.


Because of the two phases - and a legal requirement to begin charging households based on meter readings once installed - some councilmen had concerns about the fairness of water costs.


"It doesn't seem fair," said Councilman Jeff Monroe. "Some people won't be charged for continuing to wash down their driveways."


Doug Baxter, city civil engineer, said the staff will work to make it as fair as possible by charging metered homeowners a combination of flat fee and consumption-based rates.


While the project will be expensive, close to $12 million by 2020, staff estimates that increased conservation in the community will lower the need for water. Staff expects that with water conservation the city will not need to use two of its wells, saving more than $4 million in well repairs and maintenance.


The staff will continue to work and inform the council on this project in later meetings.  #




Column: Jon Carroll

San Francisco Chronicle – 10/25/07


It's hard to avoid thinking about water. The unusually long summer in Southern California - "summer" in this case being defined as "the interval of time between the last rain of spring and first rain of fall" - has created crackling-dry conditions, so when a predictable spate of Santa Ana winds hits, there were (at this writing, still are) wildfires from San Diego to Santa Barbara.


The native ecology of Southern California, the desert chaparral, includes fire as part of its life cycle. Without fire, the young plants can't reach the sunlight; the heat-sensitive seedpods cannot explode. But in fact the West is in a drought all over.


The West, particularly the desert Southwest, is the fastest-growing area of the country. More people; less water; bad news.


Jon Gertner in the New York Times Magazine this week wrote a cover story about drought in the West. It covers many issues, and I won't attempt to summarize. One quote struck me. Gertner interviewed Richard Seager, a scientist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, who has been involved in making climate and weather models based on computer projections. The models don't just concern the future; they concern the present.


Gertner asked if the climate changes predicted in the models would be permanent. "You can't call it a drought anymore, because it's going over to a drier climate," Seager said. "No one says the Sahara is in a drought."


The Times also ran a story this week about drought in the American Southeast, which is not used to dry conditions. Apparently, the reaction to the climate change has been minimal - fountains still flow and lush green grass grows everywhere; industries like Coca-Cola use the same amount of water they always did.


I think this reaction is very human: Let's forget about it and hope it goes away. After all, things are OK right this moment; tomorrow we could all be dead; toujours gai, y'all.


It occurred to me that Sun Belt states are by and large red states, populated by people who voted for George W. Bush twice and who, it would seem, accept the basic ideas of the neo-something (not "conservative," at least not as I understand the word, but something else) Republican Party.


That means that they believe, or believed until recently, that global warming is a hoax, a scare tactic dreamed up by liberals who want everyone to drive cars powered by fairy dust. This is a view promoted by the oil and gas industries, which do not want the acceptance of any belief that would affect the sale of gasoline. Now Bush has finally admitted that global warming is real, but his administration's only real step has been to further subsidize corn producers, not a particularly daring political move.


But the problem is not just causes; it's effects. Human beings need water more than anything, more than sunlight, even. If the water is not going to come from the skies and the snowmelt, where is it going to come from? Desalinization plants? Wastewater recovery? (That's already being done; it has diminishing returns.) Cloud seeding? Rain dances? Faith-based programs?


A second Republican belief is that government is the problem. Let's let the marketplace work it out. There's already a marketplace-based slogan in the world of water managers: "Water flows uphill toward money." It's that political reality that the city of Las Vegas is counting on because Vegas has lots of money and hardly any water at all. The places with more water and less money: short-term profit. The places with less money and less water: out of luck.


Not that we in Northern California get a free pass on all this. Sure, we're not built on a desert, but we're still part of the changing climate, the permanent drought. We still have an OK snowpack, and we've already had our first rains of the fall, so toujours gai, my brother.


Sorry. It's all connected. It seems evident we should meet the reality of falling supply with concerted efforts to create falling demand. And what agency can act for the common good and enforce water conservation and/or rationing? Why, that darned old government. Government should be interfering right now with your sacred right to, say, build more golf courses, or take more showers. I look out my window, and I realize my government might very well interfere with my sacred right to own a magnolia tree. Fascists.


There are probably going to be water wars. Water is going to be stolen and defended, just as it was 150 years ago. And wait until Mexico starts spending its oil money on water. You won't be able to build a wall tall enough. The time to start thinking about this stuff was yesterday. No one says the Sahara is in a drought.


Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by #


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